Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Milestones of Life

Sunday's basketball games were brutle, one of sai's team mates ended up with a broken ankle and Sai offically has her first broken bone as well from the experience. She has a bending fracture on her pinky finger. I think it looks like a little sausage.
Our theory is this is only the first of the broken fingers she will have, since she plans on sticking with basketball. Girls basketball is brutle.

One Year Ago

One year ago today we welcomed Max into our lives.

It is amazing, it doesn't seem that long, but yet again, it seems like he has always been here.
He's so cute!!! Sadly, I really like the dog!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


This morning when I woke up and took the dog out it was the perfect fall morning. It had lightly rained and over night many of the leaves had fallen to the ground. The air was crisp and fresh. I breathed it in and wondered how I could have such differing feelings about this season.

By late afternoon it had started to rain again, Fall is such a beautiful, colorful season, yet it can leave you feeling melancholy at the same time. You can breath in the fresh, crisp air and you feel renewed, but at the same time it is the end. The end of the summer, the end of a cycle of life. Everything is going into a dormant state, waiting, waiting for life to come back. Hmmm...

Ordered Days Off...

Well I have been fighting off a nasty case of Bronchitis for the last two weeks, after 9 days of coughing and no voice I went to the doctor's. It was "recommended" that I take two days off from work. So I took Wednesday and Thursday off. Which is something I really do not do very well, I have too much to do to be sick and staying home drives me crazy. But it worked out because Sai had part of Wednesday off and all of Thursday off of school due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. This is a picture of Sai with Max sitting and reading in the sunlight. It was good to get some rest. And I my voice is slowly returning.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Catchin' Up


After an incredibly painful volleyball game. (We are ready to be done with Volleyball, only one more Saturday of it.) We went up into the mountains hoping to see some beautiful fall colors. We saw some, but sadly the time for really beautiful pictures has past. :( Maybe next year.
Sai had a double header today down in the south end of Denver. They won their first game, but lost the second. We then came home and did homework and played board games. It was a good day.

Happenings Prior to This Weekend

The above is a picture of my student teacher last year. She is amazing and I swore that I would never have another student teacher because they could never measure up to her. Well, I have agreed to work with a colleague of mine and share a student teacher this next Spring. I get to meet her tomorrow. I'm actually pretty excited. :)

This picture is of the Contract for Success that my Teen Parenting Students created at the beginning of the school year. All of the students in the class have signed it. All 19 of them. I have 3 couples in my class this year which is really exciting. Currently of the 16 girls I have 10 who are expecting and 6 who are already parents. I have to admit that I am feeling a little overwhelmed by the number of them. They take a great deal of emotional energy, but that is because I love them so much and will do what ever I can to help them be successful. They truely are my passion.


Sai has been studying matter in her homeroom class. So last weekend we had to perform 2 experiments at home. The above are pictures of them. One worked well the other, not so well. But it was still fun.