Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sai's First Band Concert

They did really well for a 5th/6th grade band that has been playing only since September.
It is amazing how fast life seems to fly by. Watching and listening to the band brought back many good memories of my days in the band. I look forward to watching Sai create good memories.

San Diego

I went to a conference in San Diego on Common Formative Asessments. It was good, and it was nice to get away and smell the ocean.

This is the view from my room. It was most enjoyable.


The mermaids...

With their lobster!!

He is sooo cute!!!

The kitty is checking out the booty!!!

Carving Pumpkins

The finished products!!!

Pumpkin Hunting

Sai with the pumpkin of her choice.

Sai offering Matt advice on which pumpkin to choose.