Sunday, July 20, 2008

Random House Pictures

My LoftMy living room
My dining Room

My beautiful Ceiling Fan!!!

Thanks Mom!!! I love you!!!

Student Teacher

I will be working with a student teacher this fall and I met with her one afternoon. She left with a couple of my binders. As I was making sure that they were in order I took some pictures. You are looking a half of the last five years of work that I have created. Wow... it is crazy to think about all this work.

The Drive Home...

It was really hard to leave the Kittitas Valley. I felt very anxious, probably because I was leaving Sai, Family and Friends. I miss them very much, and had a wonderful visit. I had to stop and capture this sunset. :)

Max made himself very comfy during our drive home.
He had the whole back seat to himself.

Walk along the River

While in Ellensburg we went for a walk along the river, that led to a lake. It was very enjoyable. S kept collecting feathers.
Can you guess what C is proud of??? :)
I posing for the camera.
Max even joined us for our walk.
Checking out some insects...
This was a really fun time.
I really enjoy my nieces and nephew.
It was great to visit with them, and REALLY hard to leave.

Pictures from Cooper Lake

Here are the pictures from Copper Lake...

These are my favorites.