Fourteen years ago on this day I lost my best friend and sister, after a bruttle and long battle with cancer.
In so many ways she is my hero, she was so brave through the whole ordeal, and her sense of humor saved us all as we struggled with her battle and her loss of that battle.
I just want kiss her bald head, she had a beautiful head. :)
We shared EVERYTHING!!!! And not always willingly, she was my polar opposite, which kept me grounded. I miss her beyond measure.
I can honestly say that some of my biggest regrets are with things I didn't do with her.
We talked about taking a road trip, but I worried too much about the money. I didn't get to share an apartment with her and go to college together.
I didn't tell my dear friend, that my sister was dying.
I robbed him of his chance to say goodbye, all because I allowed a jerk to control my life.
I wasn't there when she died.
But I have learned many things about myself and life since she died.
First of all, it is only money, you only live once, treasure every moment.
Treasure every moment you have with the ones you love and care for.
Don't beat yourself up, because you made stupid choices.
Just be sure to learn from them. :)
Which I work on doing everyday.
This leads me to my First Happy November 30th in a long time.
On November 30th, a daughter was born to a student I had my first year teaching at THS.
It is shocking to me that this is my 6th year teaching here. That is the longest I have ever stayed in one place.
My student babysat Sai, help me move into my house, and after she graduated would come and visit with me for hours.
My student became my friend.
I love it when I make the connection with a student and that connection sticks.
It is wonderful watching a person grow and change, get married, have a baby and be happy.
She is going to be a great mom.

Here is my "baby"
It was nice that someone else said that it is wrong that she is so grown up.