Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Break!!!

For spring Break Sai and I went to Orlando, Florida. And spent some quality time at Disney World. The first night we hit the Magic Kingdom!
We stayed there until after 1 am.
We were Very Exhausted!!!
Sai at Epcot.
Sai at the Animal Kingdom.

Waiting in Line to Ride Fast Track. This was one of our favorite rides at Epcot.
A hug from a chipmunk!
Our last day at the Magic Kingdom.
The Mad Hatter Ride! Ugh...That is one ride that always makes mw feel ill.Catching the Magical Express back to the airport.
We enjoyed beautiful warm weather, to come home to snow!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

2 Days in a Row!!! The Crowd goes wild!!


Sai recently did a research project for school on Marco Polo. The final project was to be a map of an explorers travels.
Here are a couple of pictures of her map.

She used baked clay as montains, glued sand in the desert areas and used colored Spaghetti noodles to mark his journey from Italy to China and then back.
Why spaghetti, well, Marco Polo was actually the person who brought pasta to Italy from China.
Yes, Pasta originated in China. :)
Thomas Jefferson brought pasta to America from Italy.
The sea monster in the corner is actually one of the monsters Marco Polo claimed to see on his journey.
It was a fun project. Projects are definitely her favorite.
Oh, I forgot to mention that her map, is almost the size of my table. :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

For Claudia :)

It seems that time has passed by very quickly and I have yet again fallen behind on my blog.
As per, several requests, from an unnamed source, for new stuff, here is a sampling of the stuff going on in our lives.
After many "disagreements" about what "brushed" hair should look like Sai got her hair "trimmed"

Sai also had her layer it. So it ultimately ended up a little shorter.
She loves it!
"It is SOOOO much easier to take care of"
Why do children ever doubt their parents?


Here are some pictures from March's swim meet.

She took first place in the 25 freestyle. :)

I was finally able to take a sequence of pictures while she was doing a flip turn.

I'm not sure she appreciates it, I think it is cool. :)