This day was Sai's 12th birthday.
It was ironic when I took out the dog in the morning that this is what I saw.
This young robin was sitting on my flower pot, resting as it was clear it was his first day of flying.
It's mommy was sitting in a near by tree, watching out for any dangers.
As I came out to take my pictures, I scared off the neighbor's fluffy white kitty.
Removing one of the many dangers facing this young bird.

Mommy bird was chirping lots at me as I took pictures of her baby.
Eventually, baby bird took to flight, it was shaky, and the attempt to land on the railing of the fence was not gracefully, but the baby did safely land in the grass.
Which leads to the irony.
I often feel like the mommy bird, staying up in a tree, watching as my young bird spreads her wings and enters the world filled with fluffly white kittens, and not so graceful fence landings.
It is...really hard, but at the same time very exciting watching my little bird take flight.

For her birthday, Sai wanted to take her two best friends to the Melting Pot for her birthday.

So we all dressed up, did our hair and went to a fancy dinner.
It was fun!