Hello everyone!
I know it has been awhile but I thought I would update you on how I am doing with my Swimming.
Well as you all know back in January I started taking swimming lessons. I continued taking them until the end of May.
A couple times this summer I went and swam at Bally's as I am working towards improving my health.
Back when I started in January my thought/goal was that I would master my fear of swimming and then when School started in the Fall I would reactivate my Bally's membership and then I would get up early and go swim before I go to work.
This week was my first complete week of waking early, swimming and then going to work.
I DID IT!!!!!!
It feels good to be active, I am definitely more alert during 1st period.
I am now able to swim 100 yards without stopping.
Now on to the picture.
Last night sai had a sleepover party and so me and MJ went out.
We hit happy hour PERFECTLY!!
Then we went and sat one her back porch and chatted until late.
It was so great to just sit and relax.
Ahhh... Life is definitely good.
I know it has been awhile but I thought I would update you on how I am doing with my Swimming.
Well as you all know back in January I started taking swimming lessons. I continued taking them until the end of May.
A couple times this summer I went and swam at Bally's as I am working towards improving my health.
Back when I started in January my thought/goal was that I would master my fear of swimming and then when School started in the Fall I would reactivate my Bally's membership and then I would get up early and go swim before I go to work.
This week was my first complete week of waking early, swimming and then going to work.
I DID IT!!!!!!
It feels good to be active, I am definitely more alert during 1st period.
I am now able to swim 100 yards without stopping.
Now on to the picture.

We hit happy hour PERFECTLY!!
Then we went and sat one her back porch and chatted until late.
It was so great to just sit and relax.
Ahhh... Life is definitely good.