Sunday, September 16, 2007

Our 1st Weekend of Sports

The 1st Volleyball Game-Saturday

Volleyball at this stage consists of making it over the net and scoring a point because the other team doesn't make it back across the net, or scoring a point because the other teams server failed to get it across the net. This makes for rather painful and dull viewing.
The above pictures are of Sai scoring a point for the team by serving the ball across the net. :)
Post Game Activities
Moe spent the night friday and after the game they wanted to roller blade to the park, play some tennis, climb trees and play with Max.

They Swing!!!! And they miss!!! :) But we still had fun.

While the girls climbed trees I laid in the grass and enjoyed this view. ahhh!

And when I sat up this was my view. He is sooo Cute!!!

I love how she wears her nice shoes to climb in the trees. grhhh!

The 1st Basketball Game-Sunday

Sai is now playing in a different league for basketball and it is definitely more intense. At times she seemed a little in shock, she has nevered really played Zone before. But she did good and even survived being thrown on the floor. :) She liked the game and that is what counts.
( She is number 14)

It was another good weekend, full of new adventures!!!

1 comment:

Elsa and Chris said...

I'm with you, enjoying the picture of the tree and the blue favorite view in the whole world. Looks like you girls are having a fun fall. I love you, Elsa