This was my best divinity to date.
Very Exciting!!!!
I LOVE spending time with family, playing games, and just talking.
This was definitely a good holiday.
It was most enjoyable to have "me" time. Except now I want more!!!!
This book is the book that the student book club is reading. I have really gotten involved with the library and librarians (although I don't beleive we are suppose to call them that anymore). I can't wait to sit down with students and discuss this book. It was really good. It was about a boy, who like all teenagers did something stupid, and how the adults and his peers labeled him for as a LOSER, Even though who he is, is Good. I get really frustrated with people, especially teachers who label teenagers, and expect only bad from them when they make a mistake. Especially, when they do it to my Teen Parents.
I can't wait for the book club meeting. :)
I was having troubles getting my camera to take a picture. So after many tries, I pointed the flashlight at the tree, and finally the camera started working. :)
Sai got very freaked out because there are obviously two screech owls that live in the tree. She said it was a freaky field, that werewolves would hang out in. Clearly, I have allowed her to watch and read too mch SCIFI. :)
It is amazing to me that the above picture was taken at night.
I even picked up the brown and green colors.
Here is Shamu's tail ready to splash us, or should I say ME!!!
This is what it looked like when Sahmu splashed the other side.
Here is a cool sequence of pictures on him sliding across the platform. There are actually nine pictures in the entire sequence, I only uploaded four.