Thursday, October 23, 2008

Destiny?? or Decisions??

Here is a quote from an online article that I so agree with!!!! It is a conversation that Craig Harper had with a mother and a daughter. I feel it is so true!!!

She then shared that she didn't "feel it was her daughter's destiny to live the life she was living."
I told mum that I didn't believe in the (mainstream) concept of destiny.
I told her that I believe it is the refuge of the indecisive, the lazy and the deluded.
I told her that destiny was a convenience for people who didn't want to take responsibility for what they make (or don't make) of their life.

"I believe your life is a disaster largely because of the decisions you have and haven't made, and the things you have and haven't done."

It's about choices.

"If you decide to do different, think different, react different, eat different, live different and communicate different.... you'll be different."


"But creating your best life has nothing to do with destiny... and everythig to do with decisions."

People sprinkle conversations with terms like destiny, fate, chance and luck, so they don't actually have to take responsiblity for their reality.
Historically, now or in the future.

If destiny is some pre-ordained series of events, circumstances, situations and experiences which are to 'happen to us' over the course of our lifetime, then we don't actually have to do anything....
because whatever will be, will be.
It's all beyond our control anyway.


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