Thursday, January 10, 2008

Doggie Woobie

Max has three fleece blankets that are his. He drags them all over the house. After he gets a little tired he lays on it and chews. If he is not disturbed, he will fall asleep in this very position. On our recent Holiday trip I forgot to bring one of his "woobies" and after about a day I could tell he missed them. He finally threw caution to the wind and grab one of my mother's fleeces and assumed his comfort position. I felt really bad as I took it away. When we returned home, (FINALLY) he immediately found one of his blankets and chewed away. :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma!!!

Today my grandma turned 90 years old. She is healthy, but easily confused. She has 4 children, 18 grandchildren (3 have passed away), and I believe she has 37 great-grandchildren.
She has created a wonderful legacy.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Hello Everyone!!! Sorry for being so lame at updating. I will try to do better.
Key word in that sentence is "try". :)
This is my "littlest" brother. I have missed him and REALLY enjoyed spending time with him over christmas. Sai was really glad to have him around as well.

Some of my favorite memories with family was wrestling with my older uncles and cousins. Here sai is getting "attacked". As I got older I often thought that my sister and I must have been really annoying. But as I watched my cousin in-law begin the wrestling. I realized they must of liked the wrestling too!

This is my baby sister, with her adorable Z-man. I am very proud of the accomplishments she is making.
(Sai made Z-man's hat, cool huh?)

New Addition

Introducing the newest edition to our household.

She is incredibly sweet and tolerant, yet I feel she maybe slightly evil. Of course, Tabitha hates her. But Max LOVES her because she will play with him. In fact, this morning she was waiting outside Sai's bedroom door, ready to attack Max. It was really cute.