Thursday, January 10, 2008

Doggie Woobie

Max has three fleece blankets that are his. He drags them all over the house. After he gets a little tired he lays on it and chews. If he is not disturbed, he will fall asleep in this very position. On our recent Holiday trip I forgot to bring one of his "woobies" and after about a day I could tell he missed them. He finally threw caution to the wind and grab one of my mother's fleeces and assumed his comfort position. I felt really bad as I took it away. When we returned home, (FINALLY) he immediately found one of his blankets and chewed away. :)


Unknown said...

I'm glad he had his woobies, since Cookie is now enjoying his rope... said...

that dog has a dog's life for sure! And I make poor Spooky sleep outside even when it's 10 degrees out!