Monday, May 26, 2008

This Weekend...

This weekend I spent reading. Starting on Friday evening, I finished Uglies, and then read Pretties and Specials by Sunday Morning!
I really enjoyed this series. It did a great job of sucking me in. It was a great Brave New World. :)
I will start Extras, as soon as, school is out.


john hirning said...

I googled the books to see what they were about since I had not heard of them. Did not sound like my kind of stuff. I like scifi and
fantasy totally irrelavent of the
real world.

Total escapism.

Lennsai's Adventures said...

I definitely escaped. :) S read Uglies and Pretties in her language arts class, and I try to read the books she reads, but it is difficult to keep up with her. She LOVES to read, which is awesome. :)