Thursday, October 23, 2008

Destiny?? or Decisions??

Here is a quote from an online article that I so agree with!!!! It is a conversation that Craig Harper had with a mother and a daughter. I feel it is so true!!!

She then shared that she didn't "feel it was her daughter's destiny to live the life she was living."
I told mum that I didn't believe in the (mainstream) concept of destiny.
I told her that I believe it is the refuge of the indecisive, the lazy and the deluded.
I told her that destiny was a convenience for people who didn't want to take responsibility for what they make (or don't make) of their life.

"I believe your life is a disaster largely because of the decisions you have and haven't made, and the things you have and haven't done."

It's about choices.

"If you decide to do different, think different, react different, eat different, live different and communicate different.... you'll be different."


"But creating your best life has nothing to do with destiny... and everythig to do with decisions."

People sprinkle conversations with terms like destiny, fate, chance and luck, so they don't actually have to take responsiblity for their reality.
Historically, now or in the future.

If destiny is some pre-ordained series of events, circumstances, situations and experiences which are to 'happen to us' over the course of our lifetime, then we don't actually have to do anything....
because whatever will be, will be.
It's all beyond our control anyway.



Sadly, I am EXTREMELY Excited about filling my gas tank, for UNDER $30.00

Who would have ever thought I would be excited about $2.499 per gallon.

It is a crazy world!!!
Life has gotten slightly crazy, Sai is so busy between Swimming and Basketball. She has the potential of playing 5 basketball games this weekend... It is tournament time for Jam League and the first game of the YMCA league.

Here is a cool picture I took of her during a past game...

Yesterday I was able to relax at a Starbuck's drinking a pumpkin spice latte and eating a piece of lemon pound cake while I read the book "Twisted".
It has been since before school started that I have been able to sit and just read... I miss summer.

It was most enjoyable to have "me" time. Except now I want more!!!!

This book is the book that the student book club is reading. I have really gotten involved with the library and librarians (although I don't beleive we are suppose to call them that anymore). I can't wait to sit down with students and discuss this book. It was really good. It was about a boy, who like all teenagers did something stupid, and how the adults and his peers labeled him for as a LOSER, Even though who he is, is Good. I get really frustrated with people, especially teachers who label teenagers, and expect only bad from them when they make a mistake. Especially, when they do it to my Teen Parents.

I can't wait for the book club meeting. :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I think my kid is tired...

On Saturday Sai had her second swim meet. We had to get up REAL early, especially for a Saturday to go to it. After it was over I need to go into to work to help make name tags for an FCCLA Conference. Sai used the office chairs to make a bed. She slept for about 1 1/2 hours. She won first in her heat for the Breaststroke. That is her favorite stroke.
I remember when she was struggling to learn it and we went to the pool over a weekend to work extra on it. Wow, it feels like yesterday, but sadly it was definitely NOT yesterday.

Sai's first swim meet!!

Here is her coach overseeing their warm-up.
Getting ready to dive in...
Waiting to start her backstroke.
Waiting to do the freestyle in the 100 meter medley.

Once upon a time... Sai's "nemisis" (and yes, that is what she called it) was jumping off the side of the pool.

It is amazing to think how much she has grown.

She was soooo little!!

My little fish!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Welcome my Newest Nephew....

Isn't he just sweet... I can't wait to hold him. My mom says he smells wonderful. I love the smell of babies. There is nothing like it in the world. :)