Thursday, May 7, 2009


Just thought I would do a quick update. Yes, I am procrastinating writing my World of Work final and tallying student hours worked. I just need a "Quick" break. :) I just have to stay off of facebook, or I will never get to bed.Recently, Sai and I went to the School District's High School and Middle School Art Show at Front Range Community College. Sai had a piece of her Art work in it. :)

This picture is entitled "The Crane" because there is actually a picture of a crane in there. This picture doesn't do it justice, I can't wait to get it home and framed along with her other art work. I already have a frame for it. :)

Swimming Lesson Update...
Well, I have now been taking swimming lessons since January, and I can proudly say, I am mastering this most troublesome task. My swim teacher laughs at me because when I am doing the breaststroke and I enter the deep end I lose all ability to do my "airplane, chicken, solider" correctly, and do random flutter kicks with erratic attempts at the correct kick. This some what frustrates me because I really want to beat my anxiety, but watching the deep end approach and then fall below me, is obviously still a source of anxiety. Although my freestyle does not turn into erratic panic. I can actually do that now without stopping in panic. So I have hope for my breaststroke. :)
Just a note about my bathing suit. I love it! I remember having a pair of pants that looked very similar to it when I was in High School. Problem was I only wore them twice, because this COMPLETE bitch had the SAME pants and we wore them on the SAME day. OMG!!!
She threatened to beat me up if I ever wore them again. So due to fear, they hung in my closet for a long time. Oh... to go back and just wear those awesome orange pants again, even if she did beat me up. ;)
Random Thoughts
These are water drops on my bathroom ceiling. While I was showering this evening I splashed water up there. OOPS!! The first thing that popped in my head was... "Crap, now I am going to get mold." As I finished my shower, I realized... "Ha!!! I don't live in Washington, no mold for me!" :)
I was hoping to get to watch them drop, but no they had to evaporate before they would let that happen. grhhh, argh!

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