Friday, January 9, 2009

I honestly have no idea what to title this...

My teaching Career
thus far...
2 years North Mason High School
3 years Lake Stevens High School
1 year Mariner High School
5 1/2 years (and not planning to leave)

I am half way through my 12th year of teaching. Just stating that seems a little unreal. When did I get to be old enough to have been teaching for so many years.

And yes, I know I have 25+ more years to go.

But that is not the reason I am writing.

Today began as an ordinary day, well what is ordinary?

I woke up, got ready, and of course I didn't get to work as early as I had planned. I helped my department members with technology stuff, taught 2 period, 3rd period didn't go as well as I had hoped, mainly because of the technology helping and then not completing what I needed to complete. 4th period Teen Parenting- I had a student who graduated last year come and visit with her 8 month old son. I always love when they come to visit tells me that I have an important place in their life, and that they just need my encouragement and/or advice. And as everyone who knows me I love to help anybody who asks me, especially if they actually listen and their life is better for it. I love helping people!

As 4th period ended one of my teen parents who graduated at the end of last semester, came to say horray and of course get a hug. And just as she was leaving another teen mommy, of 2, stopped by to come and work on her online courses so she will graduate in May. I set her up in my office and proceeded to my 5th period Hall Duty...UGH!!!! 1 week down, 7 weeks to go. :)

This is where I proceed to make all students with 5th hour lunch live's miserable. You ask how I do this, well, (imagine evil smile curling accross my face) I put up this Yellow and Black Spring gate thingy and then proceed to interigate all who pass.

ID please, Where are you headed?

You don't have an ID? Well just go right up the stairs and get a temporary ID.

Hmm, your ID hasn't been puched for 3 Quarter yet, please return to the Gorge (lunch room) and have them punch that this is Actually your lunch hour. And then when they return with said card punched I may or may not let them pass, it all depends on where they want to go. :)

Then there is always the...

Can I see your ID please...excuse me, can I see your ID (AT this point I am following them down the hall, yes I admittedly feel kinda stupid doing this) EXCUSE me, Your ID PLEASE.... And if I'm lucky one of the Deans or Campus Supervisors sees the occuring disrespect, takes the child by the arm and then escort them to In School Suspension. ( I like that part)

Today, I had a frequent flyer who stood by the gate just looking at it and THINKING hard... and I then asked him, considering if it is worth it to go past only to have to get through again? He looks at me with surprise and says yes??? Hmmm, how did I know. :) Finally, it is 12:06 and the bell rings, and we are all free of this yellow and black gate... until monday.

Ahhh, finally 6th period, heat my lunch, only to reheat it later, because I got busy and forgot about lunch and when I slow down enough that I hear the grumble and it is time to microwave it again. Oh well, I got to sit and visit with another Teen Parent who likes to come and hang out in my office during her lunch. Crap the bell for 7th period just rang off I go again to teach.

Although, I have to say that I am excited about the teach part, I had a student teacher for all of last semester. Getting to teach after having a student teacher always make me realize how much I LOVE to teach my students.

Finally, 8th period, luckily my co-workers are teaching or have left for the day. I turn the lights off in my office (fewer people knock it the office is dark...shhh...don't tell anybody I'm hiding.) I get some things done, but then must hurry to drop off the Club yearbook picture complete with names, pick up my mail, hang a couple Contacts for Success for monday, and then Hike (and yes getting around my school requires hiking, it is built into a hill) to the gym trying to locate another one of my Teen Parents to check on her, for various reason which I can't share, but then find that she has not been to gym class all week. Grrrhhh. At least I have her cell phone #. So I return to my office call her, all is as good as can be expected. Then I call another student about his online final and text back and forth with the Teen Parent that had been working on the online classes in my office.

So, as my ordinary day progressed, and yes these are only the big highlights of it, there where many more interactions with students and coworkers through out my day, and these other interactions on top of all of the above mentioned interactions, really made me happy today.

My time a Thornton High School has not always been perfect, I have definitely had my struggles, but through those struggles I have fallen in love with this school, with it's students and the staff. The people I work with, truely care about these kids, as I do. My heart swells as I think about how I only want the best for these students, my coworkers, and this community.

If only, I had unlimited resources. I could get the child care center started for my teen parents children, I could help change students life through FCCLA, feed everyone of the kids who don't have enough food at home, Help them overcome their parents stupid choices, and save them all from a little bit of suffering.

Tonight we went to the Boys basketball game against our rivals the Northglenn Norse, ( I don't like them today) We had the largest crowd of kids at the game, than I have seen in my almost 6 years here. Our students work hard to succeed and they are good kids. I am just really sad because they lost...our sports teams often lose more than they win. It breaks my heart to see their hearts break.

I am going to end with our mission statement, because I truely believe in it and witness it's effects daily.

Total committment to

High Achievement and

Success for All

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